New Data Now Showing That The Draconian Lockdowns, Not COVID Itself, During The Pandemic Wreaked Havoc On the Immune Systems Of Children

New Data Now Showing That The Draconian Lockdowns, Not COVID Itself, During The Pandemic Wreaked Havoc On the Immune Systems Of Children by Geoffrey GriderĀ for Now The End Begins

Children are becoming infected with up to three different viruses at the same time after widespread COVID-19 lockdowns eviscerated their immune systems, doctors have warned.

We will never know the actual death toll from COVID-19 because the CDC counted anyone who died while having COVID and someone who died from COVID, so the data is forever corrupted and useless in that regard. But what is coming to light now, as the pandemic COVID into a naturally occurring chronic condition like the flu, is that the draconian lockdowns forced upon the whole world has wreaked havoc on the immune systems of children. Welcome to Day 820 Of 15 Days To Flatten the Curve, and itā€™s not a pretty picture.

ā€œA wickedĀ messengerĀ fallethĀ into mischief:Ā but a faithfulĀ ambassadorĀ is health.ā€ Proverbs 13:17 (KJB)

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Itā€™s not so much that Anthony Fauci, the CDC and all the rest of that ilk were wrong, though they certainly were that, itā€™s that we were intentionally deceived as part of Build Back Better and the Great Reset from the New World Order. Now it is children who are bearing the brunt of that deception as medical experts are now finding that the lockdowns didnā€™t protect anyone, and in fact have worked to weaken the immune systems of the elderly and the very young. In free states like Florida, we were spared from a lot of that, but in non-free states like NY, NY, PA, CA and all the rest, multiple non-COVID infections are raging in kids.

Itā€™s too late to do anything about the deleterious effects of the lockdowns on your kids, but it is not too late to prevent a further tragedy. Do NOT let them inject your little kids with the Messenger RNA hot shot, that is something you will regret for the rest of your lives, and their lives as well.

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